Limelight Masterclass Volume 1
Limelight Academy was born from the idea to create an alternative to mapping contests for light festivals and a unique education program for young talents from around the world. The first Limelight Academy Projection Mapping Masterclass came into fruition in cooperation with Factory Light Festival, an independent light festival in Slemmestad, Norway, showcasing the best artistic video mapping and light installations to be found on the post-industrial canvas of a cement factory. The festival is embraced by the local community and provides a unique haven for the development of exploratory art within a professional festival, tightly integrated into the international art scene.

It was truly inspiring to see the number applications we received in the short time that was allowed for our first 3D Projection Mapping Masterclass. We received 36 applications from 14 countries from truly great artists. Our goal with the first ever Projection Mapping Masterclass was to give an opportunity to artists that are already experienced in creating animations. We’d like to share our knowledge with them based mostly on our experience in creating animation content for 3D projection mapping artworks in a way that the result will not only look good on monitors or a white screen but also projected onto a real building. Thanks to the cooperation with Factory Light Festival, after a 3-month training program, five youngsters from different parts of the world got the opportunity to present their work at the festival. At a 3-day workshop in Budapest, our founders and artists provided participants with hard-to-obtain knowledge that basically laid the foundation for the success of their projects. The theme for the festival this year was “The Universe” that our team and the participants built their artworks around, which were presented in Norway with great success.
Meet our Vol. 1 alumni!
