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First Among the Best Mappings

It just feels amazing to be mentioned among such great video mapping artists. So many great artworks in locations like the Sydney Opera House or the Sagrada Familia. Another important part is what the author thinks of projection mapping. After so many years, I can still rarely see people getting the point of that form of art so well.

“Often site-specific, the best work enhances rather than effaces the architecture it’s projected onto. The sheer scale can be breathtaking and the illusion of everyday and static objects around us becoming animate and playfully reworked can be incredibly exciting. Just look at the expressions on the audience’s faces during a projection and you see an almost childlike glee.”

We couldn’t have said it better.

October 3, 2017


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World Record Breaking producers of the brightest, most powerful projector stack ever assembled in the United States.
World Record Breaking producers of the brightest, most powerful projector stack ever assembled in the United States.